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Updated with the November 2020 NRC GF Question Bank for PWRs

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Sensors and Detectors
Controllers and Positioners
Motors and Generators
Heat Exchangers and Condensers
Demineralizers and Ion Exchangers
Breakers, Relays, and Disconnects
Neutron Life Cycle
Reactor Kinetics and Neutron Sources
Reactivity Coefficients
Control Rods
Fission Product Poisons
Fuel Depletion and Burnable Poisons
Reactor Operational Physics
Thermodynamic Units and Properties
Basic Energy Concepts
Thermodynamic Processes
Thermodynamic Cycles
Fluid Statics and Dynamics
Heat Transfer and Heat Exchangers
Thermal Hydraulics
Core Thermal Limits
Brittle Fracture & Vessel Thermal Stress
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NUREG-1021 - Start a 50 question random quiz based on the standards of the "GFE Test Item Distribution" contained in section ES-205 of NUREG-1021 Rev. 9, Supp. 1 Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors. View question distribution.